HamVoIP (ASL) :: IAXRPT setup on HamVoIP (not AllStarLink) image

Sometimes -- it's hard to believe, I know -- your may not be near a radio! But you still need to transmit on you node. If you have your phone or tablet on you, you can use a Voip app to talk on your AllStar node. It's a good contingency anyway. And it works without too much hassle.

As advertised, this is my configuration on the AllStarLink image, not HamVoip image (which is my next project).

Also, please note that I'm no expert. I've experimented with various write-ups found on these inter-tubes, some of which failed comically. This is the setup that has worked for me on multiple machines.

1. Configure iax.conf

Find and/or edit and/or add the following sections in the file.

; add your node number as username
; add your node password as secret
; Hamvoip additional codecs

Create the USERNAME and PASSWORD below. This is what you will use on your phone app to register (log in) to your node. It can be anything you want it to be, possibly even your callsign or something like admin. Note that this username will be used in, and thus has to match, the stanza in the extensions.conf file.

Pay attention to the context = phone-iaxrpt line. You can rename the stanza to something more meaningful to you but remember, as the note says, that the stanza name must match the name in extensions.conf

;;[myphone-iaxrpt]   ; The stanza is the Username from the phone app
[USERNAME]   ; The stanza is the Username from the phone app
context=phone-iaxrpt              ; Context to jump to in extensions.conf

2. Configure extensions.conf

Replace all instances of 1998 with your node number.

If you have a second node on the same machine, replace all instances of 1999 with your second node number.

Setting the following stanza isn't strictly necessary but why not.

HOMENPA = 206 ; change this to your Area Code

Make sure the next stanza matches the context = phone-iaxrpt in the iax.rpt file above.

; The following stanza is to be used for Android/Iphone
; connections. Please configure the node number for the
; node on this server you want to connect to.
; The callerID name is configured and returned from
; your phone. It is typically your call.

[phone-iaxrpt]    ;;; Stanza is the context from iax.conf
exten => YOUR_NODE_NUMBER,1,Answer
exten => YOUR_NODE_NUMBER,n,Playback,rpt/node
exten => YOUR_NODE_NUMBER,n,Playback,digits/DIGIT
exten => YOUR_NODE_NUMBER,n,Playback,digits/DIGIT
exten => YOUR_NODE_NUMBER,n,Playback,digits/DIGIT
exten => YOUR_NODE_NUMBER,n,Playback,digits/DIGIT
exten => YOUR_NODE_NUMBER,n,Playback,digits/DIGIT
exten => YOUR_NODE_NUMBER,n,Playback,digits/DIGIT
exten => YOUR_NODE_NUMBER,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=0)
exten => YOUR_NODE_NUMBER,n,Rpt,YOUR_NODE_NUMBER|P|${CALLERID(name)} ;;; The "CallerID" from IAXRpt

3. Install Zoiper and configure

Get it from the GoogleAppPlayStore for you mobile device... or for your lappy/desktop.

Follow the 3rd page of these instructions for configuring your mobile device.
